So I worked some more on the Clutch today. The uncomfortable portion up under the dash. This would have been easier if I didn’t have a full cage, The dash was out, and the front seat was not in the way. I pressed through to get this thing done.
First I bolted the YJ master cylinder to the firewall in its original location on the YJ tub. Then the first obstacle presented itself.
Seams they changed the mounting location that attaches the clutch rod through the fire wall when they went to the hydraulic setup. Easy enough to fix, just drill a new hole. Ya, easier said than done. After doing a little research on how the ped
al is held into the mount. It was easier to search on the internet than try to see up under the dash while standing on my head! Looked easy enough, Just needed to take off an external snap ring. Keep in mind I am still standing on my head, hanging on with one hand and trying to pry it off with a screw driver. No snap ring pliers. once the snap ring came flying off and I found it in the tall grass. Ya I need to mow. Where are the neighborhood kids when you need them (LOL). Got the hole drilled and put the pedal back into place only to have to try to put on that stupid snap ring with my bare hands. After fifteen minutes and a bloody finger I took a trip to Farm and Fleet to get a set of 927 Retaining ring Pliers. Well worth the money. I have had cheaper brands that just barely allow you to get a snap ring on before they break, yes I said “A” snap ring. It took me like one try to get the snap ring on while upside down under the dash.

Now that I have this attached to the pedal all I have left to do is get the line hooked up. With the YJ cylinder I will need a hydraulic fitting to couple the stock master cylinder to 7/16 X 24 inv -3 hose.

This fitting will allow the use of a standard brake line to connect the master to the slave. We shall see.
927 8″ Convertible Retaining Ring Plier
927 8″ Convertible Retaining Ring Plier
927 8″ Convertible Retaining Ring Plier
927 8″ Convertible Retaining Ring Plier
927 8″ Convertible Retaining Ring Plier
927 8″ Convertible Retaining Ring Plier
927 8″ Convertible Retaining Ring Plier
927 8″ Convertible Retaining Ring Plier